Posted: 9 years ago

Cheniere HQ: Traditional Simplicity From Conception to Culmination

Natural gas exporter Cheniere Energy recently doubled their office space when they relocated within the award-winning skyscraper, Pennzoil Place, in downtown Houston, TX. Choosing to create a brand new space, rather than revamp their current offices, Cheniere enlisted the innovative workplace designers at PDR.

Working closely with the Houston-based PDR team Cheniere was able to convey their vision of a minimalistic, neighborhood of spaces that promotes connectivity and collaboration. While various new facets were introduced, many of the ideas and concepts were sourced from Cheniere’s culture and modified to provide synergy with the new workplace design streategy.

The new elevator lobby welcomes employees and visitors with walls of etched, white backpainted panels. At first glance the matte texture alludes to a more common type of wall cladding, then the abundance of natural lighting produces a reflection revealing the beauty of the glass.

The backsplashes in the coffee bar and restrooms were created as single pieces, carved to precise measurements on Goldray`s waterjet cutting table, including each cut-out for electrical outlets and plumbing fixtures. These pieces were designed in darker grey tones, also on etched glass which reduces glare, all while keeping with the theme of contrast and neutrals.

The overall perception of Cheniere’s new space can be summed up as Timeless, with light and dark contrasts throughout the space. PDR, having used decorative glass in other projects, was familiar with product’s attributes and chose it to add depth and texture to the common areas. Glass fit the necessary requirements of a low maintenance building material, with the added bonus of a quick and efficient installation method.

PDR considers Goldray`s glass to be the most successful element of the project thus far, performing very well in both installation and aesthetics. Goldray was thrilled to receive positive feedback from both the architect/design team at PDR, and the glazing contractor Lakeview Glass and Mirror. We look forward to working with both of these fantastic companies in the future.



Amazing Uses of Decorative Glass in Architecture