Posted: 3 years ago

Cathie Saroka Hands Reins Over to Michael Saroka

Chief Executive Officer and Co-Founder, Cathie Saroka is stepping down from her role, transitioning to Executive Chair, and handing over her CEO responsibilities to Michael Saroka.

Michael previously held the role of Goldray’s Chief Operating Officer. Having grown up in the glass industry, he has embraced his journey of working his way up through Goldray Glass to become a leader and innovator in the industry. This has earned him the reputation of being a hands-on leader who brings integrity, passion, and a deep understanding of the industry.

“Touching glass, researching it and playing with it for such a long time, has led to a healthy respect for this inorganic solid material,” said Michael. “Over the years, I have worked along-side some incredible people in our industry. This I believe, will help me guide the people of Goldray to reach new heights.”

“Goldray Glass is entering its 37th year of operation and Michael has been very active in the company from an early age. “I am so proud of how he continues to lead our people and all that we have accomplished,” said Cathie. “I am confident that under Michael’s leadership the company will further grow and expand.”

This appointment represents another significant and exciting step forward for Goldray Glass as it continues to refine its customer offering and strengthen its presence across North America. Expanding its products to include systems that make it easy for customers to readily select and install glass materials is core to Goldray's philosophy: being responsive to its customers’ needs and the changing trends in architectural decorative glass.

Collaborating with leading architects, designers, and installers, Goldray Glass designs and manufactures architectural glass and systems that inspire. Creating backpainted glass that brings elegance to office lobbies, designing bird-friendly
patterns to keep our feathered friends safe while still beautifying buildings, and providing systems to address skilled trade shortages. This is a small glimpse of the durable, beautiful, and easy-to-maintain products we produce, that transform buildings into icons. 


Photo by Svetlana Yanova Photography



2022: The International Year of Glass